
Alert Logic: Cybersecurity Made Easy with Alert Logic

Onkar Birk

Managing Director

“Alert Logic ensures security-strapped teams can quickly and effectively address the rising tide of threats while also alleviating the human burden of reacting to each and every alert.”

An MDR service's main purpose is to discover vulnerabilities, configuration errors, and breaches in such a way that their impact on the company is minimized. Organizations depend entirely on outsourced cybersecurity services in certain cases, while others use a combination of internal and external resources. In either scenario, the line between what is consumed as a platform and what is consumed as a service is blurring as more security operations are automated via the cloud. Alert Logic, for example, has already established a security operations center (SOC) where its cybersecurity specialists use machine learning algorithms to spot security risks in aggregated data collected from thousands of clients. Indeed, because the skills necessary to construct and maintain an AI model are beyond the competence of an internal cybersecurity team, the emergence of machine learning algorithms and other kinds of AI may drive more enterprises to rely on cybersecurity services. Every day, the Alert Logic platform analyzes over 140 billion log messages. Today, Alert Logic serves over 4,000 clients that choose to rely on a set of MDR services rather than build their own platform. Alert Logic is the only managed detection and response (MDR) vendor that covers public clouds, SaaS, on-premises, and hybrid settings comprehensively.

Threat actors' tactics, methods, and procedures (TTPs) are continually developing, so businesses must be informed of the newest TTP trends in order to protect themselves. Alert Logic analysts, data scientists, and security researchers are always on the lookout for new and emerging threats and campaigns. This human-led procedure has aided automatic detection by preventing dangerous actors from escaping detection. Knowledge gives crucial information regarding the risk of exposure and exploitation, allowing the most suitable event response to be implemented. Alert Logic security professionals in the worldwide Security Operations Centers use industry data, constant research from their threat intelligence team, and machine learning from aggregated data from thousands of clients (SOC). "MDR and intelligent response have become even more vital in our current environment of persistent staffing changes and turnover," says Onkar Birk, Managing Director, Alert Logic. With a worldwide shortage of almost three million cybersecurity professionals, Alert Logic ensures security-strapped teams can quickly and effectively address the rising tide of threats while also alleviating the human burden of reacting to each and everyalert. "The cybersecurity landscape is only getting more complex, so we are determined to do whatever we can to make it less intrusive and painful for our customers," Birk adds.

By collecting network traffic and more than 140 billion log messages per day, Alert Logic's proprietary managed detection and response platform and team of security experts provide outcome-based security by bringing together asset visibility and security analytics for networks, applications, and endpoints in on-premises, hybrid, and cloud environments, providing coverage across both vulnerabilities and attacks. The Alert Logic Managed Detection and Response system relies heavily on people, and they've been investing in cybersecurity expertise since 2002. Each customer is allocated a team of trained security, technology, and customer experience specialists that provide a tailored level of care based on the context of the business and job.

McArthur Glen is a renowned designer, retail store owner, developer, and manager in Europe and Canada. McArthurGlen, a pioneer of designer outlet retailing, is redefining the notion of destination shopping by creating exquisitely designed shopping spaces. McArthurGlen felt they required support with IT security as a company. They recognized they didn't have the means or personnel in-house to deal with today's sophisticated and targeted attacks. They needed a third-party solution to supplement their current operations. McArthurGlen considered many security solutions before settling on Alert Logic. Finally, they chose Alert Logic to supplement their own team's strengths with outside IT security knowledge.

Any response plan and its capabilities are based on broad detection, which necessitates both depth and breadth of coverage. To undertake thorough analysis of threats, Alert Logic detection uses threat research and intelligence, as well as machine learning and incident enrichment, to identify risks. By consuming logs and aggregating telemetry data throughout the whole environment, an organization gets coverage anywhere they operate (endpoints, cloud, network, and identity providers). As a result, Alert Logic seeks to defend a business 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and to guarantee that the organization has the most effective reaction to any danger that may arise.

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